Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random association

Situation/ Problem

To create " scary images or object" that will instill fear among people through out the ages.

Random work - Kitten

This is what i done a scary image of a kitten - Giant kitten

Association 1 : Body shape and sizes
In practice : Large size with muscular body will create a horrible feeling to us. Just like a elephant, although it wont attack people but it still look scary.

Association 2 : Bloody
In practice : Normally those scary scenes in movie will add some blood effect to make the movie looks scary. Same here, a bloody body will create a scary feeling to us.

Association 3 : Claw
In practice : Claw is important to an animal to defend itself. But it also damage someone. For example, cat clawing somebody eye and cause the person blind.

Association 4 : Colour
In practice : Apply gray and some black to this cat will look so dirty and horrible that cause people away from it.

So this is what I done ... SCARY IMAGE - KITTEN

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